UK Cyber Security Council opens applications for membership

The UK Cyber Security Council has announced that it is accepting membership applications for interested organisations. Any organisation with an interest in promoting, supporting and developing the cyber security profession is encouraged to apply.
Relevant Member organisations will be able to nominate representatives with the required skills and experience to the Council’s committees, which are the primary mechanisms through which the Council will deliver on its objectives around developing the profession.
Don MacIntyre, the interim CEO for the UK Cyber Security Council, said: “Professional Standards, Qualifications and Careers, Ethics and Diversity are the stand-out issues facing the profession and its practitioners. Businesses with an interest in cyber security will never have a better opportunity to influence the direction and development of these and other issues than to join the Council and getting involved”. It is only through building an actively engaged community of members that the Council will be able to speak as the representative voice for the UK’s cyber security profession. With every new membership, our voice becomes clearer, louder and increasingly more difficult to be ignored”.
The UK Cyber Security Council is the self-regulatory body, and voice, for UK cyber security education, training and skills. It drives progress towards meeting the key challenges the profession faces and develops, promotes and stewards nationally recognised standards for cyber security qualification and learning. The Council, working closely with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the UK's national technical authority for cyber security, supports the UK Government’s National Cyber Security Strategy to make the UK the safest place to live and work online.
The UK Cyber Security Council will achieve its goals through the involvement, contributions and activities of member organisations, which will therefore play the central role in driving the cyber security industry forwards.
Membership is open to any organisation with an interest in promoting, supporting and developing the cyber security profession. A major benefit of membership is that the Council which was commissioned by the UK Government continues to support and promote their work. The Government's approach - to supporting innovation within the industry - is at the very heart of the Members’ project work, which provides Members with pivotal industry positions.
Also, the Board is augmented with Trustees from Member organisations. There are also opportunities for Members’ staff to engage with, learn from and direct the Council’s operations at many levels. The Council is co-developing industry standards and codes of ethics for the cyber security profession and is codifying qualifications, professional attainment and roles. Publications on the cyber security market, the cyber security industry and even cutting-edge cyber security research are available to Members and they are co-developed by Members. Studies will be led by key industry figures, who will seek out Members’ views and opinions and feed them back to the UK Government’s policy work.