291 search results
Hacking & Malware
Ethical Hackers at the Heart of HackerOne’s Cyber Strategy
Surfshark uses HackerOne’s repository to highlight the successes of ethical hackers in finding software vulnerabilities, emphasising their efficiencies

Cyber Security
Negotiate with Hackers? Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Discuss
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney's Michael McLaughlin discusses the legality of negotiating with hackers and how to proceed with compliance

Network Security
How hackers ‘chain vulnerabilities’ in business networks
Paul Cragg, CTO at NormCyber, explains the hacking technique of chaining vulnerabilities and how businesses can reduce the risk of falling foul of it

Cyber Security
The ethical side of hacking - is your hire trustworthy?
Hiring professional ethical hackers can prevent zero-day attacks by finding vulnerabilities, Exabeam's Matt Rider explores the ethical side of hacking.

Cyber Security
Top 10: Data Breaches
Cyber Magazine considers some of the most prolific data breaches in recent times that have threatened essential services and key businesses