9 search results
Cyber Security
Which shopping sites collect the most data from users?
VPNOverview has analysed the top shopping sites’ privacy policies, finding out how much data they collect and what they do with that data.

Cyber Security
Ticket fraud reports double since the start of 2022
Experts at VPNOverview have revealed how to spot a resale ticket scam following a 110% surge in demand for concert tickets.

Cyber Security
The benefits of password managers in avoiding scammers
VPNOverview.com has revealed exactly how password managers can help and how to find ones that are trustworthy to use.

Cyber Security
How to prevent kids from becoming addicted to video games
Cybersecurity expert Lauren Mak at VPNOverview.com has put together some top tips on spotting gaming addictions in children and how to prevent them.

Cyber Security
How ransomware can infect your computer and how to avoid it
More than four in five organisations (82%) were manipulated using ransomware in 2022 according to Proofpoint's 2023 Phishing report.