556 search results
Operational Security
Top 10 Ransomware Attacks
Cyber Magazine considers the most impactful ransomware attacks globally, with major organisations targeted to extort data with financial implications

Hacking & Malware
Arctic Wolf Sound Alarm on Emerging Ransomware Strain 'Fog'
Cybersecurity company Arctic Wolf Labs is sounding the alarm after it discovered a new ransomware variant that is targeting specific industries

Hacking & Malware
Is Off-The-Shelf Code Fuelling the Surge in Ransomware?
This trend towards 'off-the-shelf' ransomware and affiliate programmes is dramatically altering the cybercrime landscape

Cyber Security
Negotiate with Hackers? Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Discuss
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney's Michael McLaughlin discusses the legality of negotiating with hackers and how to proceed with compliance

Network Security
WithSecure finds new ransomware groups cause attack surge
Ransomware attacks continue to surge in 2023, as WithSecure finds that many of these criminal groups are new actors following already-established playbooks