18 search results
Cyber Security
Spanish GDPR cookies crumble under essential expert scrutiny
Research in Spain produces algorithms designed to detect the use of cookies, web beacons and browser fingerprinting tools, which have been tricky to track

Cyber Security
Sophos launches its Stolen Cokies report
Sophos' latest X-Ops report, looks at how attackers are increasingly exploiting stolen session cookies to bypass MFA.

Cyber Security
Girl scouts get the call to help stamp out future cybercrime
CISA and Girl Scouts of the USA strengthen collaboration to bring more young women into cybersecurity, and help them stay cybersafe while selling cookies

Cyber Security
Cybercrime marketplace, Genesis Market, shut by the FBI
Matthew Gracey-McMinn, Head of Threat Research, Netacea and Cyril Noel-Tagoe, Principal Security Researcher, Netacea, share their views on Genesis Market.

Cyber Security
What is a Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack?
Cybercrime takes many forms and MITM attacks are the oldest and possibly some of the most dangerous attacks there are. Cyber magazine investigates.