17 search results
Krista Griggs
Fujitsu’s Krista Griggs talks breaking down barriers to fintech adoption for clients, and her success in growing Fujitsu’s financial services business

Company Report
Fujitsu: Leading digital transformation in fintech
Fujitsu’s Krista Griggs discusses how the IT tech giant is driving digital innovation in the banking, financial services and insurance sectors

Cyber Security
Fujitsu: Leading digital transformation in fintech
Fujitsu’s Krista Griggs details how the IT tech giant is driving digital innovation in the banking, financial services and insurance sectors

Data Breaches
Bridging the Gap: Examining the UK-US Data Bridge
The UK-US Data Bridge was created to replace EU data frameworks and allow the exchange of personal data whilst still adhering to agreed rules

Cyber Security
US and UK landmark cross-border data access agreement begins
The world’s first ever CLOUD Act Agreement allowing American and British law enforcement agencies to demand electronic data from serious crimes has begun.