15 search results
Cyber Security
Entrust: Why Digital Fraud Has Overtaken Physical Fraud
A Entrust study has shown that digital fraud has over taken physical fraud for the first time, as the financial sector sees a surge in AI-powered frauds

Cyber Security
Top 10 CISOs from Fortune 500’s best known names
Being entrusted with the role of CISO for some of the leading global brands is no small undertaking. We explore the who’s who of CISOs.

Cyber Security
Kaspersky speaks out on the recent Uber cyber attack
David Emm, Principal Security Research at Kaspersky says 'consumers need to know they can entrust their personal data to the care of any service provider'.

Network Security
Report: Securing the new hybrid workplace
New research found that most employees favour a hybrid work model but business leaders worry about home internet security and leakage of company data

Cloud Security
Enterprise-wide cyber security in the age of the multicloud
Now that more companies are tweaking platforms to allow for multicloud functionality, we take a look at the benefits, risks and cyber security implications