34 search results
Cyber Security
Top 10 female leaders in cybersecurity
In an industry dominated by men, these female leaders have broken through the mould to significantly impact the cybersecurity field and promote diversity

Cyber Security
NCSC inviting organisations to cyber advisory service
The new Cyber Advisor scheme will offer assured cyber security consultancy services to SMEs, helping them achieve a minimum standard of security.

Marc Ashworth
Ashworth discusses his unique role as a leader at the family-run business First Bank, who are helping personal and business customers across state lines

Cyber Security
Camden Dream Centre launches US cybersecurity apprenticeship
Upon completion of Camden Dream Centre's programme, apprentices will attain national industry credentials from both the USDOL and tech giant Cisco.

Christopher Paidhrin
The City of Portland’s Senior Information Security Officer, Christopher Paidhrin on his passion to give back to the community in times of crisis