6 search results
Cyber Security
The most common types of data breach from CybelAngel
David Sygula, Senior Cybersecurity Analyst at CybelAngel, discusses the most common types of data leaks and what these actually look like.

Cyber Security
CybelAngel welcomes EU cyberattack simulation exercises
Cybersecurity company CybelAngel has welcomed news EU governments will launch large-scale simulation of cyberattacks against supply chains

Cyber Security
CybelAngel and F-Secure share views on BlackMatter shutdown
The BlackMatter ransomware operation, which came to prominence earlier this year is allegedly shutting down due to “pressure from the authorities.”

Cloud Security
CybelAngel: Cloud Storage leaks grew by 150% in 2021
Tooday CybelAngel published in-depth original research revealing that data leaks and shadow assets are the greatest source of exposure to cyberattacks

Cyber Security
NHS Digital updates cyber security awareness toolkit
NHS Digital has provided new content for its online toolkit for healthcare staff to understand cyber security threats and how to reduce the risk of attack.