7 search results
Cyber Security
Glasswall CEO speaks out on FinalSite ransomware attack
Danny Lopez, CEO of Glasswall, speaks to Cyber Magazine following the recent FinalSite ransomware attack affecting over 8,000 global schools.

Cyber Security
The US $1trn Infrastructure Bill and cybersecurity
Cybersecurity companies Egnyte, Exabeam and Glasswall share their views on the recent $1trn Infrastructure Bill passed and now with President Biden.

Cyber Security
5 minutes with: Danny Lopez, CEO, Glasswall
Danny Lopez, CEO of cybersecurity company Glasswall, speaks to Cyber Magazine on the current threat landscape and sanitization technology.

Cyber Security
5 minutes with cybersecurity companies Glasswall and Egnyte
Glasswall and Egnyte share their views on the recent ransomware attack which halted production of products such as Nerds and Laffy Taffy.

Cyber Security
Cybersecurity companies speak out on bipartisan bill
The US Senate has introduced a bipartisan bill that requires critical infrastructure operators to report cyberattacks within 72 hours.