55 search results
Cyber Security
Cyber security leaders unite to protect digitised healthcare
A new Advisory Council comprising global cyber security experts aims to tackle the rising threats faced by the digitalised healthcare sector

Guy Dulberger
Guy Dulberger, CISO of RB Global, Inc., takes us on the company’s cybersecurity SOC development and AI integration journey, tackling staffing and mental he

Company Report
Cybersecurity is Critical to Epiroc’s Digital Transformation
Cybersecurity is mission-critical to Epiroc as it deploys digitalisation, automation and electrification to drive enhanced productivity & sustainability

Cyber Security
Demand for cyber insurance increases with digitalisation
With places going digital in the pandemic there was an increase in the demand for cyber insurance coverage due to heightened awareness of cyber risks

Company Report
CIISec: Adapting to the new digitalised world of cyber crime
The Chartered Institute of Information Security provides a platform for its members to develop and harness skills in cyber and information security