20 search results
Cyber Security
Spanish GDPR cookies crumble under essential expert scrutiny
Research in Spain produces algorithms designed to detect the use of cookies, web beacons and browser fingerprinting tools, which have been tricky to track

Cyber Security
Arrests of members of Tetrade seed groups in South America
Spain’s Ministry of the Interior has announced the arrest of 16 individuals connected to the Grandoreiro and Melcoz cybercrime groups.

Cyber Security
KPMG UK appoints 3 new partners to bolster cyber offering
Julia Spain, Clare Maio and Serdar Cabuk have been hired by the firm to strengthen its client offerings in risk and cyber security.

Cyber Security
Crossword’s Trillion protects Spanish Public Administration
Spain’s National Cryptological Centre deploys Trillion solution to provide a central view of threats across the public administration.

Hacking & Malware
Banks beware: IBM Study Shows Grandoreiro Trojan is Back
Notorious banking trojan Grandoreiro is back following an INTERPOL bust, and its updated version has been used to target over 1,500 banks