131 search results
Cyber Security
Met Police struggles with cyber crime staffing
Metropolitan Police faces recruitment challenges in hiring cyber crime specialists, hindering efforts to combat organized crime effectively

Cyber Security
EU Member States test rapid Cyber Crisis Management
CySOPEx 2021 is testing the procedures for prompt and effective cyber crisis management in the EU to face large-scale, cross border cyber-attacks.

Operational Security
Tenable: Security Expertise Gap Threatening Cloud Expansion
A Tenable report shows how despite a majority of companies wanting to expand their cloud, many don't believe they have the security to safely do so

Cyber Security
Cyber recruiter predicts the brink of an industry crisis
Lewis West, at Hamilton Barnes, has forecast a cybersecurity crisis as a cyber skills gap and ageing workforce contribute to increased cybercrime

Operational Security
Is Stress a Driving Force Behind the Cyber Skills Shortage?
A SenseOn study has showed 95% of IT leaders in the UK and Ireland say stress impacts their ability to retain staff