5 search results
Company Report
Securing Belron’s future with a robust cyber defence suite
As it continues on its digital transformation journey, Belron’s Anthony Foust explains how the company’s cyber capabilities are leading the way

Technology & AI
Mazars: Transforming Belron with Asam Malik and Mike Fried
Asam Malik and Mike Fried of Mazars discuss the Holistic Transformation of Belron using Technology and Artificial Intelligence

Technology & AI
Anthony Foust, Global Chief Information Security Officer
As it continues on its digital transformation journey, Belron’s Anthony Foust explains how the company’s cyber capabilities are leading the way

Anthony Foust
Belron’s Global Chief Information Security Officer, Anthony Foust, explains why his diverse background is beneficial and how this supports Belron

Technology & AI
Mazars: Transforming Belron with Asam Malik and Mike Fried
Asam Malik and Mike Fried of Mazars discuss the Holistic Transformation of Belron using Technology and Artificial Intelligence