15 search results
Cyber Security
Companies Across Cyber Sphere Warn of Surge in DDoS attacks
DDoS attacks have over doubled in a year, with multiple reports highlighting how political instability around the globe could be behind it

Network Security
Global events driving rise in DDoS attacks, says Netscout
Report by Netscout found that DDoS attacks grew 31% YoY in the first half of 2023 with a staggering 44,000 each day, fuelled by world events

Cyber Security
DDoS attacks are becoming more prolific, Netscout warns
According to cybersecurity researchers at Netscout, DDoS attacks are becoming more prolific and more powerful as cybercriminals get more creative

Technology & AI
NETSCOUT: How Are Cyber Threat Actors Using AI?
NETSCOUT CTO Darren Anstee Shares Expert Insight Around How AI Is Being Used by Cyber Threat Actors, and How Businesses Can Best Defend Themselves

Cyber Security
Direct-path attacks surged in 2022
According to the latest Netscout DDos Threat Intelligence Report, DDoS traffic reached a high of 436 petabits in a single day in 2022.