56 search results
John Scrimsher
Kontoor Brands’ CISO, John Scrimsher, provides insight into building the company’s cyber security programme and protecting the brand

Company Report
Kontoor Brands: Fashioning a new cybersecurity program
John Scrimsher, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Kontoor Brands, shares how he built and developed the company’s cybersecurity program

Cyber Security
Kontoor Brands: Fashioning a new cybersecurity program
John Scrimsher, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Kontoor Brands, shares how he built and developed the company’s cybersecurity program

Cyber Security
Lifetime Achievement Award: John Chen
John Chen: transforming BlackBerry into a cybersecurity leader

Cyber Security
Former Cisco Systems CISO joins MeasuredRisk
MeasuredRisk has appointed industry veteran John N. Stewart, who brings 'gold star' cybersecurity and business credentials, to its board of directors.