183 search results
Cyber Security
Companies Across Cyber Sphere Warn of Surge in DDoS attacks
DDoS attacks have over doubled in a year, with multiple reports highlighting how political instability around the globe could be behind it

Cyber Security
Entrust: Why Digital Fraud Has Overtaken Physical Fraud
A Entrust study has shown that digital fraud has over taken physical fraud for the first time, as the financial sector sees a surge in AI-powered frauds

Cyber Security
Cloudflare: Dissecting the Cyberattacks of the US Election
Cloudflare reports on traffic shifts and cyberattacks during the US election highlight how the use of digital democracy and cybersecurity go hand in hand

Network Security
WithSecure finds new ransomware groups cause attack surge
Ransomware attacks continue to surge in 2023, as WithSecure finds that many of these criminal groups are new actors following already-established playbooks

Cyber Security
Palo Alto Networks & SLB Partner to Secure Energy Sector
Two titans of their respective industries - Palo Alto Networks & SLB - have partnered to help secure the energy sector from the rising cyber threat