250 search results
Cyber Security
Cracking with Quantum: What Breakthrough Research Means
A team of researchers from Shanghai University have demonstrated the first time a quantum computer has posed a threat to today's algorithms

Cyber Security
Zoom Prepares for Quantum World with Post-Quantum Encryption
Zoom is preparing for the advent of the quantum-computing world with post-quantum end-to-end encryption that can resist hacks trying to decrypt its data

Technology & AI
NIST Standardises IBM's Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms
IBM's Algorithms have been adopted by the US standards and technology body NIST as the world’s first post-quantum cryptography standards

Operational Security
GDIT Report: IT Decision-Makers Waking up to Quantum Reality
A GDIT study reveals IT decision-makers are now developing strategies for PQC adoption to protect sensitive data from incoming quantum threats

Cyber Security
Telefónica: What Does its Quantum Security Solution Cover?
Telecom giant Telefónica has worked with Fortinet and others to develop a quantum architecture for the future threat of quantum computing cyber attacks