KPMG gain U.S. patent for cyber incident response solution

KPMG, a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services, has been granted a patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for KPMG Digital Responder, a solution enabling rapid response to cyber incidents.
By innovating and automating common parts of the digital forensics and incident response process, KPMG's new patent helps eliminate unpredictable spend associated with traditional approaches while maintaining integrity during the investigation process.
KPMG Digital Responder performs a targeted collection of forensic artifacts from live systems or disk images and then analyses the data to help accelerate the response with forensic precision. The solution will generate questions when a potential risk arises, such as 'why did an employee transfer 200 confidential files to a non-company removable storage device' or answer questions such as 'what files were at risk from a threat actors unauthorised access.'
"Whether it's an insider threat or a network intrusion from a ransomware incident, responses need to be swift and efficient," said David Nides, Principal, Cyber Security Services, KPMG U.S. "By automating manual functions, KPMG Digital Responder reduces the detection to response lag from days to hours, which is critical in emerging notification requirements."
Changing workplaces has led to more cyber risks
During the COVID-19 pandemic, organisations around the globe have accelerated digital transformation to adapt to remote working, but this move has created new cyber threats that require radical cultural change at boardroom level, according to KPMG.
A report from the company, entitle ‘From enforcer to influencer: Shaping tomorrow’s security team’, is calling on business leaders to ensure cyber security specialists are part of the C-suite decision-making process, with digitisation at the heart of their future growth strategies.
Recently KPMG has been ranked number one by clients for the quality of member firms’ security services in Source Global Research’s latest report, Perceptions of Risk Firms in 2021. KPMG received the highest score of the 16 vendors evaluated in this category – a high achievement determined by clients and prospects alone.
In this client perceptions study, Source Global Research aims to provide a current snapshot of risk advisory firms by surveying 300 clients and prospects. Survey participants represented a wide range of sectors, with 91% working in companies with over US$500m in revenue.
About KPMG
The KPMG network, a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services, was formed in 1987 when Peat Marwick International and Klynveld Main Goerdeler merged along with their respective member firms.
KPMG firms operate in 146 countries and territories, and in FY20, collectively employed close to 227,000 people, serving the needs of business, governments, public-sector agencies, not-for-profits and through KPMG firms' audit and assurance practices, the capital markets.